Digital Word Wall or Class Dictionary

Last year I decided to move my word wall online using Google Slides. Having a digital word wall or class dictionary online made it easy to manage and not to mention there was less cutting and pasting and words were instantly on our shared word wall–not just by myself but by students as well! See below for a template you can use to start your own.

Why Go Digital With Your Word Wall?

  • You can collaborate and invite your whole class to be involved in the process.
  • Words can be added instantly.
  • Students have access from home or school. (I created an easy to remember “” URL so my students have easy access from anywhere). 
    • You can make one per subject or by class if you teach rotary subjects.
  • Words can easily be manipulated, copied or rearranged because it’s all digital.
  • You can still have it “visible” to students on a computer screen in the class or projector if you’re not 1:1 (I have one dedicated older desktop that always has the word wall on for students to use whenever needed).
  • It’s easier than the traditional word wall.


Other Ways To Use Your Digital Word Wall

  • Use it to promote inventive spelling.
  • Add extra slides at the end for thematic words.
  • Create a Math or Science vocabulary word wall related to units of study.
  • Have individual students make personal dictionaries for personalized word lists.
  • Make different language Word Walls.
  • The options are endless!

I used Google Slides to create my digital word wall, each page is a letter of the alphabet and I inserted a table grid on each slide where students add the words.

Mrs. Geek Chic - Digital Word Wall

Mrs. Geek Chic - Digital Word Wall


It’s easy enough to create your own but I’ve got a template HERE that you can grab a copy of and use or modify to your classroom needs.

Have fun making your very own digital word wall or online dictionary for your classes!

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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

4 comments on “Digital Word Wall or Class Dictionary

  1. What information do you put in your grids? Word, part of speech, definition, sentence using it? Thanks! I love this idea!

  2. Thank you so much for this information! I couldn’t have done it without your help. I’d like to learn more, but for now, I’m set. I created a montage of the emotions and thoughts my high school juniors from the continuation high school where I teach are experiencing as we continue to shelter in. If you would like to see what I “made,” you can check out my blogsite.

  3. How do I save this amazing template and keep it as a template to use as a living document for my student to use as a dictionary. When I save it, it becomes something else. If my request is even possible. I have a student who needs to be able to type into a dictionary on line and for us to use it back and forth and your document template appears to be perfect except for the challenge I am having in keeping it as a template. 🙂

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