P.E.N.S.E.Z – French Digital Citizenship Posters

Think Poster Screenshot Mrs.GeekChicI’ve seen these Digital Citizenship “T.H.I.N.K before you post online” posters floating around on the Internet and Pinterest for a while now. Today being International Day of Pink to raise awareness for all types of bullying, I thought it would be a good time to post these printable posters that lead in well to discussions with your students about to cyber bullying. I know for me having colourful reminders around the classroom is always helpful since Digital Citizenship is such a huge part of my program these days. I really liked the idea of them, and as usual couldn’t find a French version. I decided to translate the posters and made a few different versions ‘en français’ using Google Drawings for my fellow FSL colleagues out there. You’ll find the shared folder below, please feel free to download, edit or modify to your needs. Enjoy!

I also wanted to share my list of Internet sites related to Digital Citizenship. There are some wonderful resources, units and starting points that promote great discussions and learning opportunities. Check them out!

Digital Citizenship Sites:
Branché (French): http://www.lavraievieenligne.ca
Habilo-Médias (French): http://habilomedias.ca
Media Smarts: http://mediasmarts.ca
ConnectED: http://www.lavraievieenligne.ca
Digizen: http://www.digizen.org/
Digital Literacy & Citizenship (UK): http://www.digital-literacy.org.uk
Teaching InCtrl: http://www.teachinctrl.org/
Ophea: http://teachingtools.ophea.net
La Souris-Web: http://www.lasouris-web.org/

P.E.N.S.E Digital Citzenship Poster2



P.E.N.S.E Digital Citzenship Poster1 (1)



P.E.N.S.E Digital Citzenship Poster3


P.E.N.S.E Digital Citizenship Posters FOLDER


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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

2 comments on “P.E.N.S.E.Z – French Digital Citizenship Posters

  1. Pingback: Google Drawings 101 - Getting Started | Mrs. Geek Chic

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