#TDSBEd – A New Hashtag & Twitter Chat is Born!

Over fish & chips and ciders on Wednesday, March 16th at #PubPD in Toronto, my Digital Lead Learner pal Arianna and I came up with the idea of #tdsbEd, a new Twitter chat for TDSB Educators! We want a place where TDSB Educators can share, connect and learn from each other. After all, as teachers our best resource is always one another!
It was pretty simple how it all came to be, the conversation went something like this,
“Hey, why doesn’t TDSB have a Twitter chat? We are the biggest school board in Canada. Other school boards are doing it!”
“Let’s start it!”
“OK, cool!”
After that conversation we hashed out a hashtag with the wonderful Ed Techie people around the table and decided it had to be something short enough, that hasn’t been used in the past and was easy to remember. #tdsbEd was born!
Since then we’ve been working on promo flyers for Twitter and launching a website related to our new Twitter chat, you can find the Google Site at bit.ly/tdsbed.
**UPDATE** Our site now has a new look, come check it out!tdsbEd

The first #tdsbEd chat will be on Thursday, April 7th at 7:30 pm (EST) We will be chatting about Innovation in Education! Tuesday, March 29th 8-9 pm (EST) with special guests from the Board, we will be chatting about Teaching & Learning with Technology. Come check it out!

Arianna and I are excited about this new adventure, it looks like other TDSB Educators are too. Even Director of Education, John Malloy is supportive of the new venture!

Hope to see you in the Twitter-verse soon!


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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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