*Please note, these links haven’t been updated since 2016* I’m working on updating them.
Here are just a few by heading:
Teacher Blogs:
Brian Aspinall: brianaspinall.com – Insights on education and technology.
Carla Jefferson: mrsjeff2u.com – Resources and reflections for teaching.
Leslie McBeth: lesmcbeth.com – Thoughts and ideas on education.
George Couros: georgecouros.ca/blog – Leadership and innovation in education.
Nancy Minicozzi: coffeenancy.com – Educational reflections and experiences.
Catlin Tucker: catlintucker.com – Strategies for blended learning and tech integration.
Alice Keeler: alicekeeler.com/teachertech – Tips and tools for tech-savvy teaching.
Rafranz Davis: rafranzdavis.com – Reflections on education, equity, and technology.
Cool Cat Teacher: coolcatteacher.com – Inspiration and resources for teachers.
Teacher Resource Pages:
Sylvia Duckworth: sylviaduckworth.com – Visual resources for teaching and learning.
Sandra Chow: classroomdollop.com – Classroom resources and ideas.
Kevin Brookhouser: kevinbrookhouser.com – Resources for teaching innovation and design thinking.
Jeff Heil: jefferyheil.com – Educational resources and insights.
Julie Millan: juliemillan.ca – Ideas and resources for teaching and learning.
Richard Byrne: freetech4teachers.com – Free technology resources for teachers.
Eric Curts: controlaltachieve.com – Tips and tutorials for using technology in education.
Brian Crosby: learningismessy.com – Insights and experiences from a messy classroom.
Ann Michaelsen: annmichaelsen.com – Education and technology insights.
Mme Fatima: laclassedemadamefatima.ca – Classroom resources and support.
French Sites:
École Branchée: ecolebranchee.com – Various French educational resources and activities.
French Teacher.Net: frenchteacher.net/links/interactive-sites – French teaching resources and interactive sites.
Il était une histoire: iletaitunehistoire.com – Interactive stories in French.
France TV Education: education.francetv.fr – Educational content from France TV.
Bonjour de France: bonjourdefrance.com – French language learning resources and activities.
Brain Pop: fr.brainpop.com – Educational videos and activities in French.
TV5 Monde: enseigner.tv5monde.com – French language teaching resources from TV5 Monde.
Atelier: atelier.on.ca/edu/core.cfm – French educational resources from Atelier.
TFO éducation: idello.org/fr#teachersection – French educational resources from TFO éducation.
Musée Virtuel: museevirtuel.ca/centre-des-enseignants – Virtual museum resources in French.
Net Maths (Scolab): on.netmaths.net – Math resources in French.
Habilo-Médias: habilomedias.ca – Digital literacy resources in French.
Zoe et Molly: zoeandmolly.ca – Interactive French learning platform.
La Souris-Web: lasouris-web.org – Educational resources for teaching French.
Learn Alberta Resource Bank: learnalberta.ca – Educational resources in French from Alberta.
Simply-Land: simply-land.com – Virtual learning platform.
Canadian Parents for French: cpf.ca – Parental resources for French language education.
French Street: frenchstreet.ca/en – French language learning platform.
Digital Citizenship Sites:
Media Smarts: mediasmarts.ca – Educational resources for digital literacy.
Habilo-Médias (French): habilomedias.ca – Digital literacy resources in French.
Teaching InCtrl: teachinctrl.org – Resources for teaching digital citizenship
I’ve also got a dedicated list of French Websites for FSL teachers HERE, check it out!