Student Virtual Room Tutorial à la Bitmoji Classroom

I’m finally getting to this post after months of enjoying the summer with my family after COVID-19 quarantine and learning/teaching from home. I wanted to share the Student Virtual Room project that my grade 4-6 classes did during remote “emergency learning” in June. We had done some amazing work in Media Literacy classes where students created video games using various online platforms (Scratch, Kahoot, Google Slides, etc). I wanted to give them a fun way to showcase their work and anything else they’d been up to while away from school. The Bitmoji Classrooms were such a big hit with educators that I wanted to give students the opportunity to give it a shot at creating their own virtual rooms and an outlet to share their work.

Student Virtual Room Tutorial à la Bitmoji Classroom

Since we were teaching from home I made the step-by-step video tutorial below for my students to follow along and get creative by building their own virtual rooms in Google Slides. You can also use the same tips to create your own Bitmoji Classroom if you’re an educator interested in doing so.


Bitmoji Classroom / Virtual Room Background Template

If you’re having trouble finding the right background for your Bitmoji classroom or virtual room check out this template ( Use the “Layouts” option at the top to choose from the variety of backgrounds I curated.

Room Layout Bitmoji Classroom GIF


Bitmojo Classroom Template Layout Mrs. Geek Chic

Examples of Virtual Rooms Created by Students

Below are some examples of the virtual rooms that my students made. I will share screenshots only to protect their privacy and personal school work that is linked in their virtual rooms.

Have fun creating Virtual Rooms with your students!

For more virtual learning-friendly posts check out:
Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL
Google Drawings 101
Online Escape Games for Students

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out!

Larissa Aradj Mrs. Geek Chic




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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

4 comments on “Student Virtual Room Tutorial à la Bitmoji Classroom

  1. Hello! I’m an art teacher in New Jersey and I am looking to try to teach my 6th graders how to create Virtual Rooms. I saw that you offer layouts. I was wondering if you would share your slide with the templates? If no, I completely understand. You did a fantastic job and so did your students.

  2. Thank you so much! Do you think that Grade 3 students will be able to do this as well! I have so many kids wanting to create their own. Your tutorial is amazing and easy to understand. I would love to add it to their google classrooms as a student directed opportunity for learning if they are interested.

  3. Hello! I’m a physical education major in North Dakota that will be student teaching in the spring! I’m looking for ways to incorporate technology into my field of study through my Ed Tech class that I am taking this semester. I came along your blog and this post parked my interest! I think that this could be a good way to reach out to my future students during the summer to get to know them better and why physical activities and hobbies they are involved in . And even thought that I could use it for them to showcase any work or projects that I may have for them during the year.
    Do you have any suggestions on other ways I could use this tool or other tools that might be great for physical education?
    Thank you,

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