Must-Have French Phonics Books: Une syllabe à la fois & Science of Reading

Must-Have French Phonics Books: Une syllabe à la fois & Science of Reading

Une syllabe à la fois: Must-Have French Phonics Book for Early Readers   If you’re a French teacher looking for quality decodable French phonics books that align with the science of reading approach, look no further! The Une syllabe à la fois book series is a game-changer for supporting early readers as they develop strong […]


Bonjour à tous ! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, and there’s a good reason for that! After nearly 20 years with the TDSB, I made a big change and moved to an independent school, taking on a new role as a Technology and Design teacher. It’s been an exciting transition, and I’m […]

Challenging Perceptions: The Unseen Struggle of Living with IIH #RareDiseaseDay

Challenging Perceptions: The Unseen Struggle of Living with IIH #RareDiseaseDay

  *I will preface by saying this is not my typical “MrsGeekChic” blog post, it’s more personal but I thought it was important to share.  Today is Rare Disease Day, a day to raise awareness and advocacy for rare diseases that impact millions of people worldwide. One such rare disease is Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH), […]

Google Slides Template – Crée ton extraterrestre

Google Slides Template – Crée ton  extraterrestre

I’ve been working with SK students a lot more this year doing digital literacy as part of my prep delivery. I’ve been enjoying it but had to adapt to them not having 1:1 devices. When I posted the Google Slides Template – Crée ton extraterrestre activity on Twitter I had a few private messages asking […]

Social Distance Games & Activities

Social Distance Games & Activities

Teaching face-to-face during a pandemic is tough and much harder than I think many of us were anticipating. I added this meme to my Curriculum Night video to parents this year. I think sometimes if we weren’t laughing we’d be crying…my heart also goes out to all of my colleagues who are teaching virtually right […]

Treaty Recognition Week – Guest Post by Tamara Bolotenko

Treaty Recognition Week – Guest Post by Tamara Bolotenko

Today I have the pleasure of introducing one of my dearest friends (again) as a guest blogger. Tamara Bolotenko is Vice Principal at TFS – Canada’s International School and she wanted to share some parts of her FNMI learning journey. She has taught me so much and I think that more people should hear what […]

Student Virtual Room Tutorial à la Bitmoji Classroom

Student Virtual Room Tutorial à la Bitmoji Classroom

I’m finally getting to this post after months of enjoying the summer with my family after COVID-19 quarantine and learning/teaching from home. I wanted to share the Student Virtual Room project that my grade 4-6 classes did during remote “emergency learning” in June. We had done some amazing work in Media Literacy classes where students […]

Storage War$ Learn at Home Edition

Storage War$ Learn at Home Edition

I’m sure everyone is busy with learn at home initiatives right now. I hope you’re all staying healthy and safe and this post can help spark some ideas for remote learning. Last week I was contacted by an educator in Ottawa thanking me for my Storage War$ media literacy template. It’s always so nice to […]

Green Screen Tips to Get You Started

Green Screen Tips to Get You Started

I love the creative possibilities that green screening brings to my students. If you’re thinking about getting started and aren’t sure where to begin, see below for some ideas. Below is a sketchnote I drew with ideas from Todd Burleson that was also published in his book The Green Screen Makerspace Project Book. Note that the […]

iOS Green Screen Without Third-Party Apps

iOS Green Screen Without Third-Party Apps

Greetings…or should I say “Green-tings” 😉 Ever wanted to do some creative green screening with your students but don’t want to pay for a third-party app? You can, it’s easy! I wanted to share some step-by-step guides I created for using the Instant Alpha feature in Keynote/Pages and the new iMovie green screen feature. Please […]

Free Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL

Free Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL

Empower your French immersion students with free digital books and online reading resources! Dive into our latest blog post, ‘Free Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL,’ curated specifically for educators. Explore valuable resources to enhance language learning in the classroom! **EDITED FEBRUARY 2024!!** Edit: March 2021 With the recent developments around the COVID-19 virus […]

21st-Century Global Competencies

21st-Century Global Competencies

For the past little while, one of the biggest education buzzwords has been “21st-Century” or “Global Competencies”. There are several interpretations and different ways to organize the idea of these competencies, but essentially the same idea comes through in all cases. It’s all about preparing students for this ever-changing world and fostering an education that […]

Digital Geo Tools for the Classroom

Digital Geo Tools for the Classroom

In July 2017 I attended the California Geo Teacher Institute (CAGTI) along with one hundred other Educators from across North America. Throughout the 3-day event at Google Headquarters in Silicon Valley, I learned so much about digital geo tools for the classroom and realized that I never shared all of the amazing takeaways on my blog!  […]

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – French Immersion, Health *Can be modified to any grade level.  Grade 4/5  French Immersion Overview & Purpose In this lesson, students will explore and learn about the 4 different types of bullying and compare and contrast them with cyberbullying in […]

Celebrating 2 Years of #tdsbEd Twitter Chats!

Celebrating 2 Years of #tdsbEd Twitter Chats!

On Thursday, April 5th, 2018, we celebrated the 2-year anniversary of #tdsbEd Twitter chat, our TDSB district-wide online chat! We planned an evening at 5050 Yonge, the board office for a face-to-face celebration and chat. If you haven’t heard of #tdsbEd before you can check out the website here. Our mission is to connect, share […]