Chromebook Rules Poster & Code of Conduct

I wanted to share a couple files I made for my classes last year when 15 new Chromebooks were purchased for our primary/junior divisions. It was important to me and administration to make sure these new laptops be treated right so as to keep them working properly for as long as possible. Along with the […]

A WONDER-ful Book Talk & iPhone/iPad Sticky Note Ideas

I read the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio to my grade 4 class last year, they really enjoyed it and it brought up many great discussions. You can link it to the language curriculum as well as it ties in nicely with the Health Education curriculum as well. If you’re interested in promoting the book […]

“Vedettes du S.P.O.R.T” Gym Classroom Management Posters in French

S.T.A.R.S EQUIVALENT FOR FRENCH IMMERSION HPE TEACHERS Les Vedettes du S.P.O.R.T When I taught Health & Physical Education in English a few years ago I used the “S.T.A.R.S” system to help with behaviour management and to keep the students motivated in the gym. I had no luck finding a French version anywhere so I made […]

Welcome to! Here’s to a new adventure!

Here goes nothing! After several years of blogging for an audience of mostly parents of my students via school-wide and classroom blogs, today begins my new adventure with a new audience: TEACHERS! My goal is to share, inspire and to make teachers a little more geeky through my Ed Tech tips, tricks and resources.  Welcome and […]