How to add accents to Google Docs – no more copy & paste!

Still copying and pasting accents into Google Docs?

No need, because there’s an Add-on for that!!

I wanted to write a quick post to share an awesome time-saving tip with my fellow modern language teachers. After the positive and amazed reactions I got at my French Immersion school about this when I shared it with staff, I thought it might be useful for some of you as well! This GAFE tip will really speed up your typing and avoid fiddling around with adding accents from “insert -> special symbols” or copying & pasting from other pages! Try out the Google Add-on called “Easy Accents”!

It’s very simple to use, open any Google Doc, go to “Add-ons” -> “Get add-on”

Then type “Easy Accents” into the search bar:
Easy Accents Mrs. Geek Chic Screenshot

Click the blue “+ FREE” button to add the Easy Accents, next click the “Allow” button on the following screen.

Now go back to “Add-ons” -> “Easy Accents” and then click “Easy Accents – Start”. (You’ll have to start it using this method every time you reopen a different Doc that needs accents).
Easy Accents Mrs. Geek Chic Screenshot2

That’s when the magic happens! On the right hand side of your document you’ll see a drop-down menu, you pick your language then VOILÀ (with an accent ;)) You have all the accents & even some symbols available literally at your fingertips! Just click on the accented letter you need and it’ll appear in your Doc where you last had the cursor. For capitals, simply hold down “shift” when you click your accented letter and it’ll be accented in caps! They even includes those pesky to find French “guillemets”.
Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 9.20.16 PM

Enjoy! I hope this quick and easy tip can save you some precious teacher time!

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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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