I used to only teach Media Literacy in English for my junior classes because it is it’s own strand in the Ontario curriculum and didn’t explicitly exist in the French Immersion primary curriculum. However, now with the new FSL curriculum came some pleasant changes and additional expectations rolled into Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking that involve media literacy! I was thrilled, but that meant yet another translation because I wasn’t able to find a French version of the Media Triangle that suited my needs in the classroom. With some searching online I found this French lesson/unit plan from http://www.lavraievieenligne.ca/ which contains a Media Triangle version in French on page 38 which they adapted from ‘A Guide to Effective Literacy Instruction (Grades 4 – 6); Volume 7: Media Literacy, Ontatio Ministry of Education‘. I decided to jazz it up and make it more interactive for my students. I made a plain version that could be a poster or a handout and another one on which the students can answer questions in text boxes right inside the digital GAFE file online.
Here they are:
Click on the images to make yourself a copy, or see shared folder below.
Please feel free to download, share, make a copy and modify to your needs!