FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – French Immersion, Health
*Can be modified to any grade level. 

Grade 4/5  French Immersion

Overview & Purpose

In this lesson, students will explore and learn about the 4 different types of bullying and compare and contrast them with cyberbullying in particular. They will learn about Pink Shirt Day, empathy and use what they’ve learned to create slogans and anti-bullying t-shirt designs using Google Drawings.

Curriculum Expectation

Understanding Health Concepts:
Grade 4: C1.3 describe various types of bullying and abuse (e.g., social, physical, verbal), including bullying using technology (e.g., via e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify appropriate ways of responding [IS]
Grade 5: C3.2 explain how a person’s actions, either in person or online, can affect their own and others’ feelings, self-concept, emotional well-being, and reputation (e.g., negative actions such as name calling, making homophobic or racist remarks, mocking appearance or ability, excluding, bullying, sexual harassment [including online activities such as making sexual comments, sharing sexual pictures, or asking for such pictures to be sent]; positive actions such as praising, supporting, including, and advocating) [PS, IS]

Learning Goals

  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the different types of bullying and be able to compare them.
  2. Students will understand the impact of cyberbullying.
  3. Students will recognize how to prevent cyberbullying.

Materials/Resources Needed

  1. Data projector, screen, teacher computer
  2. PDF of “Chandail Rose” Pink Day article (page 2 & 3 only) from Les Plan “Nos Nouvelles” Feb 2015. (www.lesplan.com)
  3. Digital Tattoo Sketchnote by Sylvia Duckworth.
  4. Notre trousse de citoyenneté numérique visual.

    @MrsGeekChic FSL Pink Day Lesson

    Source: http://www.ecolebranchee.com/2014/10/28/le-parfait-kit-pour-enseigner-la-citoyennete-numerique/

  5. 3 Chart papers with 3 different Venn Diagrams (one circle on each paper should read  “cyberbullying” and on the other sheets one circle should be “social”, one “physical” and one  “verbal” bullying).
  6. Markers.
  7. Google Drawings Pink Day shirt Design Template
    @MrsGeekChic FSL Pink Day Lesson
  8. 1 chromebook/laptop per student.


Part 1: (carpet read-aloud and discussion 15 minutes)
Use the data projector to do a read-aloud of the “Manifestation du chandail rose” article.

@MrsGeekChic FSL Pink Day Lesson

Used with permission from www.lesplan.com Image originally appeared in: https://www.lesplan.com/sites/default/files/documents/article/Chandail_rose.pdf *Note that this article is based on “Pink Shirt Day” which is celebrated every year in February.

Discuss and explain the 4 types of bullying that are mentioned in the article (page 3). Think, Pair, Share: Ask the students what they think the impact of these 4 types of bullying are. Next, have them turn to their elbow partner and discuss their ideas for preventing these types of bullying. Now have them share their ideas. Discuss why cyberbullying, in particular, is hurtful and how a digital footprint cannot be erased. Show and discuss the following documents with the students: Digital Tattoo by Sylvia Duckworth and “Notre trousse de citoyenneté numérique”, discuss in particular the toothpaste and permanent marker and how anything posted online cannot be erased or removed.

Part 2: (group work 15 minutes)
Divide the class into 3 groups, give each group one chart paper with a blank Venn diagram on it. Have each group use markers to fill in the Venn diagrams, they will be comparing each type of bullying to cyberbullying and putting commonalities in the middle. Let them know that next class period they will be sharing their Venn diagrams with the class.

Part 3: (Designing Pink Day t-shirts with Google Drawings 20 minutes +)
Begin by showing examples of Pink Day t-shirts to the students on the digital projector. “Be a buddy, not a bully” “Kindness is one size fits all” “It’s not cool to be cruel”, etc. A Google image search for “Pink Day t-shirt” brings up lots of examples.
Next, show the students the Pink t-shirt template on the projector screen. If your students are new to Google Drawings you will want to go through the basics and show how to insert images, text, shapes, word art, etc.  
They should then be given time to work on the t-shirt design on their Chromebooks/laptops.  

T-Shirt design success criteria:

✓I have included at least one image.
✓I have included a slogan that promotes anti-bullying.
✓I designed both sides of my t-shirt.
✓I checked my spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
✓I shared my design with a classmate and was given feedback.
✓I gave at least one classmate feedback on his/her design.

Happy International Day of Pink!

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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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