21st-Century Global Competencies

For the past little while, one of the biggest education buzzwords has been “21st-Century” or “Global Competencies”. There are several interpretations and different ways to organize the idea of these competencies, but essentially the same idea comes through in all cases. It’s all about preparing students for this ever-changing world and fostering an education that helps them thrive in today’s world. It’s so exciting how technologies can now bring the world to our classrooms!

Here are some 21st-century global competencies online resources I’ve collated:


TDSB Global Competencies Website
TDSB Vision For Learning
Ontario’s 21st Century Competencies (French)

Other Cities/Provinces:

Vancouver Global Competencies (Eng & Fr)
TVDSB Global Competencies in Student-friendly language.
French Global Competencies Chart


Councils of Ministers of Education, Canada
The Center for International Education Global Competencies.
Center For Global Education – Asia 


Here are a few of my 21st Century Global Competencies sketchnotes in English and French:

I’ve also included a folder at the bottom of this post for easy downloading and printing access. Feel free to share!

Global Competencies - Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic www.mrsgeekchic.com

Global Competencies - Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic www.mrsgeekchic.com

Global Competencies - Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic www.mrsgeekchic.com


Ever wonder how to teach through the lens of Global Competencies using G Suite tools? Here’s a graphic with some ideas to help get you started:

Global Competencies - Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic www.mrsgeekchic.com

Global Competencies - Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic www.mrsgeekchic.com



Click here to access the shared folder containing the above bilingual sketchnotes.


I hope these resources will help you get started or continue your teaching with 21st-century global competencies!

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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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