Google Drawings Templates

Google Drawings is one of my favourite G Suite tools for getting creative with students. I love using it to create easy to use templates for my classes, especially at the beginning of the year or in the early years when they need some motivation to get their work started. Google Drawings Templates are easy to use and easy for teachers to make. The latest project with my grade 4 & 5 media literacy classes was to create infographics about digital citizenship and online safety.

I gave the template below to each student and away they went creating their amazing infographics. I instructed them to drag some icons onto the canvas and to add text, colours and fonts to create their final products.

Infographic Google Drawings Template - Mrs Geek Chic

The template helped them get started and avoided the time that is sometimes wasted when students are searching for the perfect images. Of course, I allow them to search for images if they need something specific for their project. I consider the template to be a nice starting point and less intimidating than a blank canvas.

Click here for your own copy of the Infographic Template.

Here are a few examples of what my students came up with while using the infographic template as a starting point:


How to make a Google Drawings Template?

1) Open a new Google Drawing. Use the margins to your advantage!
2) Insert images or text related to what you want the students to create or learn.
3) Place (and resize if needed) the images or text in the margins.
4) Assign through Google Classroom or force make a copy and give students the link.
5) Now students can drag the images and text onto the canvas and easily get creating!

For more info about Google Drawings and step-by-step tutorials check out my Google Drawings 101 blog post.


How else can I use Google Drawings Templates?


Green screening

Try a template for easy-peasy green screening!
Green Screen Google Drawings Template - Mrs Geek Chic

For more information about how to make your own green screen template see my post titled Free & Easy Green Screen Editing.


School Posters

Have a school event coming up? Make a poster template like the one below. I like to use black & white so when we print to hang them up in the halls the students can colour them in.

Movie Poster Template Google Drawings - Mrs Geek Chic


Math Template

Why not try using a template as a digital space to work out a math problem? Here’s an example where I’ve added the question and the digital manipulatives the students could use to help solve and think about the problem.

Math Google Drawings Template - Mrs Geek Chic

I’m all about using G Suite tools to support student learning and creativity — Google Drawings Templates helps me do just that!

Have a template idea? Please share! Have fun getting creative with Google Drawings!


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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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