I call them “it mitts”! The children who are chosen to be “it” for tag games wear them. There are a few reasons these are awesome to use in gym classes, day camps or anytime you’d play tag with children:
- The person who is “it” is easily identified with this bright glove;
- No more children asking, “who’s it?!”;
- Wearing them reminds the children to be gentle when they tag someone;
- You can use with any age level. At first I got them for my kindergarten classes, but quickly realized the classes all the way up to grade 6 loved them too;
- The student’s absolutely love using them!
The student’s faces light up when they see these bright mitts coming out of my gym office! I picked these up at my local dollar store a few years ago. I haven’t seen the exact same ones recently but there are different models of virtually the same idea at Dollarama right now. You could also use those foam hands/fingers from sporting events if you have any around the house.
“You’re it!” Have fun!
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