Pic Forward Global Green Screen Challenge

What is Pic Forward? Pic Forward is a global green screen challenge for students, teachers and schools. The idea is to have people all around the world edit our monthly green screen photos, then to “Pic Forward” or “pass it on” via social media to other classes so they can participate too. My grade 4 & […]

Là où je dors – An Interactive Website and Videos for FSL Classrooms

With the updates to the FSL curriculum in Ontario, we now have Listening and Speaking as two separate strands instead of the previous stand-alone “Oral” strand. For the Listening portion of the curriculum, I’ve found TFO’s Idéllo platform to be a great place for students to watch controlled content videos and for teachers to find ample […]

Two TDSB teachers selected for prestigious Google Certified Innovator Program #TOR16

Recently the Toronto District School Board published a Web Story about our Google Certified Innovator accomplishment. It’s an honour to be recognized along with Zélia Capitão-Tavares! Here’s the link to the full Web Story: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/News/ArticleDetails/TabId/116/ArtMID/474/ArticleID/1012/Two-TDSB-teachers-selected-for-prestigious-Google-Innovator-Program.aspx I also previously wrote two blog posts about my journey to GCI: Mindset Matters and some Takeaways from the Innovator Academy. 2016 was […]

Google Drawings 101

Google Drawings is one of my favourite G Suite tools, it truly is the ultimate blank canvas. Not to mention, everything I show in these tutorials about images, cropping, WordArt, etc. can also be used in Google Slides! What is Google Drawings? Don’t let the name fool you, you don’t need to be an artist […]

Introducing Sketchollage – Sketchnoting & Photo Collages Come Together!

Sketchollage – a new creative way to express ideas, notes and experiences in your sktechnotes. Recently my friends Marie-Andrée Ouimet and Sylvia Duckworth inspired me to start sketchnoting. It’s basically like taking creative digital notes with drawings, logos, sketches and shapes mixed with handwriting. I’ve made a few now, they can be found here. Sketchnoting […]

My Takeaways from #TOR16 – Google Certified Innovator Academy

As most of you know I was lucky to be able to take part in the latest Google Certified Innovator Academy. After the 3 days that the 34 of us spent together there were quite a few discussions with my fellow #TOR16 Innovators around “how do we explain our experiences at the Innovator Academy to […]

Mindset Matters: Larissa’s Journey to Google Certified Innovator Academy #TOR16 #GoogleEI

I’m not really sure where to begin for this post, I have so much going through my mind at this moment! I’ll start back in May, shortly after being turned down from the #COL16 cohort of Google Certified Innovator Program. On May 26th I attended #PubPD at a local Toronto bar with my usual like-minded […]

FSL Website List for Teachers

I updated my collection of FSL teaching websites over the summer. I wanted to do a quick post to share it with all of you. This is a work in progress and will be updated often as I find new French sites for teachers. I’ve divided it up by subject to make it easier to […]

Coding in French – Free Printable Coding Blocks

It’s a pleasure to have a guest blog post today by Ashley Soltesz, a fellow French teacher who like me is on a mission to share French resources with others so we don’t have to keep recreating the wheel! She’s made some amazing free French printable coding blocks you can use in your classrooms, enjoy!  A […]

“Oh snap, no tap!” Paying with an Apple Watch – My Experiment at Toronto Retailers

Anyone who knows me won’t be surprised that I dove in and bought the latest Apple Watch, yet another gadget to add to my ever growing tech collection! Luckily I was able to score a deal on Kijiji, those who know me also know I hate paying full price for things if I don’t have to! […]

GeoGuessr – An Addictive Geography Game to Try in Your Classroom

I recently heard about an awesome online game called GeoGuessr. It’s a game that drops you in random places around the world using Google Street View, then you have to guess where you are by thinking critically, finding clues, reading signs, looking at foliage, etc. It’s so addictive! The teacher in me immediately started thinking of […]

French Media Triangle – Triangle des médias

If you’re here I’m sure you already know what a Media Triangle is used for, but for those who don’t it’s basically an easy way to have students read and analyze media forms and texts. The triangle prompts the children with questions to help them look at media from different angles and perspectives to help […]

From Intolerance to Acceptance with Patience and a Whole Lot of In-Between – Guest Post by Tamara Bolotenko

My good friend Tamara Bolotenko (@TamaraBolotenko) has been doing some wonderful things at her new school this year and wanted to share some of it with all of you! She’s written this amazing post in honour of International Day to End Homophobia & Transphobia (May 17th, 2016) and has some great resources to share. Check […]

Children’s Mental Health Week Poster

I meant to post this last week for Children’s Mental Health Week, but I was a little bit preoccupied with my Google Certified Innovator application. 🙂 Good thing it’s still relevant and it’s always great to promote mental health awareness beyond the assigned “weeks”. Download a copy here: bit.ly/itoweMHW 

Tech it Forward – Our Inspired Minds Learning Project Idea

If you’ve been anywhere near me in the past week I’m sure I’ve asked you once (or more!) the question, “Have you voted yet today??” My amazing teacher friend and colleague Jesselyn and I wrote up this proposal in an attempt to win $100,000 for our downtown Toronto school library. I wanted to share our […]