Free Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL

Free Digital Books and Online Reading for FSL

Edit: March 2020 With the recent developments around the COVID-19 virus and school closures I wanted to re-share this post with free online reading options for French Immersion, FSL, or any French language learners with parents who might be struggling for educational online content. The original post is from 2018, so if you have come […]

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose

FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – La journée rose FSL Pink Day Lesson Plan – French Immersion, Health *Can be modified to any grade level.  Grade 4/5  French Immersion Overview & Purpose In this lesson, students will explore and learn about the 4 different types of bullying and compare and contrast them with cyberbullying in […]

Digital Word Wall or Class Dictionary

Digital Word Wall or Class Dictionary

Last year I decided to move my word wall online using Google Slides. Having a digital word wall or class dictionary online made it easy to manage and not to mention there was less cutting and pasting and words were instantly on our shared word wall–not just by myself but by students as well! See […]

Google Drawings Templates

Google Drawings Templates

Google Drawings is one of my favourite G Suite tools for getting creative with students. I love using it to create easy to use templates for my classes, especially at the beginning of the year or in the early years when they need some motivation to get their work started. Google Drawings Templates are easy […]

BreakoutEDU Digital – Online Escape Games for Students

BreakoutEDU Digital – Online Escape Games for Students

Want a fun activity for your class that promotes communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity? Check out BreakoutEDU Digital* Online Escape Games! What is it exactly? An online digital escape game co-founded by Justin Birckbichler and Mari Venturino Based on the BreakoutEDU kit educational games from James Sanders & Mark Hammons All is organized and played on one website […]

Là où je dors – An Interactive Website and Videos for FSL Classrooms

With the updates to the FSL curriculum in Ontario, we now have Listening and Speaking as two separate strands instead of the previous stand-alone “Oral” strand. For the Listening portion of the curriculum, I’ve found TFO’s Idéllo platform to be a great place for students to watch controlled content videos and for teachers to find ample […]

FSL Website List for Teachers

I updated my collection of FSL teaching websites over the summer. I wanted to do a quick post to share it with all of you. This is a work in progress and will be updated often as I find new French sites for teachers. I’ve divided it up by subject to make it easier to […]

Coding in French – Free Printable Coding Blocks

It’s a pleasure to have a guest blog post today by Ashley Soltesz, a fellow French teacher who like me is on a mission to share French resources with others so we don’t have to keep recreating the wheel! She’s made some amazing free French printable coding blocks you can use in your classrooms, enjoy!  A […]

French Media Triangle – Triangle des médias

If you’re here I’m sure you already know what a Media Triangle is used for, but for those who don’t it’s basically an easy way to have students read and analyze media forms and texts. The triangle prompts the children with questions to help them look at media from different angles and perspectives to help […]

From Intolerance to Acceptance with Patience and a Whole Lot of In-Between – Guest Post by Tamara Bolotenko

My good friend Tamara Bolotenko (@TamaraBolotenko) has been doing some wonderful things at her new school this year and wanted to share some of it with all of you! She’s written this amazing post in honour of International Day to End Homophobia & Transphobia (May 17th, 2016) and has some great resources to share. Check […]

Tech it Forward – Our Inspired Minds Learning Project Idea

If you’ve been anywhere near me in the past week I’m sure I’ve asked you once (or more!) the question, “Have you voted yet today??” My amazing teacher friend and colleague Jesselyn and I wrote up this proposal in an attempt to win $100,000 for our downtown Toronto school library. I wanted to share our […]

Storage Wars Customizable Cross-Curricular EdTech Game #GAFE #HyperSlides

I’ve been busy working on a customizable GAFE cross-curricular game template that can be used by teachers across all levels and subjects. I wanted something that had a hook, was interesting and fun for my students yet still educational. I came up with Storage War$ (Enchères Surprise$ in French, yes there’s even a version française!). […]

P.E.N.S.E.Z – French Digital Citizenship Posters

I’ve seen these Digital Citizenship “T.H.I.N.K before you post online” posters floating around on the Internet and Pinterest for a while now. Today being International Day of Pink to raise awareness for all types of bullying, I thought it would be a good time to post these printable posters that lead in well to discussions […]

How to add accents to Google Docs – no more copy & paste!

Still copying and pasting accents into Google Docs? No need, because there’s an Add-on for that!! I wanted to write a quick post to share an awesome time-saving tip with my fellow modern language teachers. After the positive and amazed reactions I got at my French Immersion school about this when I shared it with staff, […]

French Digital Citizenship Poster -La citoyenneté numérique

I wanted to share a French Digital Citizenship poster I created on Google Drawings thanks to ideas from a great French article on the site École Branchée (here’s an English site with the same kind of idea using tangible items in a ziplock instead of a poster). I found this to be an easy and meaningful way for my students […]