Pedometers in HPE Class- Let’s Climb Some Towers!

From Fitbits and Jawbones to Moov Nows and Piezos, Fitness trackers are all the rage right now! Why not bring that into the classroom/gym class? (Simple pedometers work great too!) I’ve made a few posters (in French & English!) that show the number of steps it takes to reach the top of the CN* & Eiffel […]

Free eMagazines from Zinio on your tablet in less than 10 steps!

Extra Extra eRead all about it! Zinio- FREE digital magazines on your computer, Smartphone or tablet from the public library Let’s face it, as teachers we don’t always have the time to sit down and enjoy a great magazine, let alone trying to make time between marking, reporting and lesson planning to get to the store […]

“Vedettes du S.P.O.R.T” Gym Classroom Management Posters in French

S.T.A.R.S EQUIVALENT FOR FRENCH IMMERSION HPE TEACHERS Les Vedettes du S.P.O.R.T When I taught Health & Physical Education in English a few years ago I used the “S.T.A.R.S” system to help with behaviour management and to keep the students motivated in the gym. I had no luck finding a French version anywhere so I made […]

Welcome to! Here’s to a new adventure!

Here goes nothing! After several years of blogging for an audience of mostly parents of my students via school-wide and classroom blogs, today begins my new adventure with a new audience: TEACHERS! My goal is to share, inspire and to make teachers a little more geeky through my Ed Tech tips, tricks and resources.  Welcome and […]