FSL Website List for Teachers


I updated my collection of FSL teaching websites over the summer. I wanted to do a quick post to share it with all of you. This is a work in progress and will be updated often as I find new French sites for teachers. I’ve divided it up by subject to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. You can see the list on its own separate page in the tabs at the top of my blog.

Il était une histoire: http://www.iletaitunehistoire.com/
Brain Pop: https://fr.brainpop.com/
ReCreatisse: https://www.recreatisse.com
Weekly News in Slow French: https://www.newsinslowfrench.com/
Journal des enfants: http://www.lalsace.fr/jde/a-la-une
Il était deux fois…: http://cf.tfo.org/jeux/
Apprendre le français avec TV5 Monde: http://apprendre.tv5monde.com/
Animated story with words: Le match de foot
Ebook kids: http://ebookids.com/fr/livres-enfants/
Free Rice: http://fr.freerice.com/#/vocabulaire-français
1jour 1actu: News Headlines & Articles for children: http://www.1jour1actu.com/

NetMaths (Free for Ontario educators): https://on.netmaths.net
ReCreatisse: https://www.recreatisse.com/
La souris-web: http://www.lasouris-web.org/
Logiciel educatif.fr: http://www.logicieleducatif.fr/math.php
Les champions des maths: http://championmath.free.fr/
Kangourou des mathématiques: http://www.mathkang.org/
e-learning for kids: http://www.e-learningforkids.org/math/
Branché (OPHEA): http://www.lavraievieenligne.ca
Habilo-Médias: http://habilomedias.ca/
École Branchée: http://www.ecolebranchee.com/
Zoe et Molly http://www.zoeandmolly.ca/
La Souris-Web – Internet Safety: http://www.lasouris-web.org

Musée Virtuel: http://www.museevirtuel.ca/centre-des-enseignants/
GeoGuessr: http://www.geoguessr.com
Ça bouge au Canada: http://cabouge.tv5.ca/
Là où je dors: http://www.laoujedors.ca/
Musée canadien de l’histoire – l’Égypte: http://www.historymuseum.ca/

Brain Pop: https://fr.brainpop.com/
Bout de gomme -science: http://boutdegomme.fr
Hector le castor – agence de l’eau: http://www.eau-rhin-meuse.fr/hector/
Planète astronomie: http://www.planete-astronomie.com/
Jurassic world – dinosaures: http://www.jurassic-world.com/
Cybersciences junior: http://www.buzzons.ca/

Librairie Ineractive: http://www.librairie-interactive.com/ *NEW
Quia – French games & activities: https://www.quia.com/shared/french/
Ressources pour les profs: http://ressources-profs.info
Learn Alberta Resource Bank: http://www.learnalberta.ca/

ExoFiches: http://www.exofiches.net/ *NEW!
Moufle Clipart Bank: http://www.moufle.net/ *NEW!
France TV Education: http://education.francetv.fr/
Google Feud en français: http://www.webinette.fr/
TV5 Monde: http://enseigner.tv5monde.com/
Idéllo: https://www.idello.org/fr/
Atelier: http://atelier.on.ca/edu/core.cfm
Taka s’amuser: http://www.takatamuser.com/
TFO éducation: https://www.idello.org/fr
Brain Pop: https://fr.brainpop.com/
Chateau Jean-Jean: http://123geant.telequebec.tv/#ChateauJeanJean
La Souris-Web: http://www.lasouris-web.org/
Le grenier de Bisou TFO: http://www1.tfo.org/mini/JeuExterne

French Teacher.Net: http://www.frenchteacher.net/links/interactive-sites/
List of French Internet Sites: http://atpf-th.org/sitepedago.html
Bonjour de France: http://www.bonjourdefrance.com/
Momes.net http://www.momes.net/
Simply-Land: http://www.simply-land.com
Canadian Parents for French: https://cpf.ca/
French Street: http://www.frenchstreet.ca/en/

Please feel free to leave a comment below with your “go to” French teaching sites.


About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Teacher-Librarian, Media Teacher, and edtech enthusiast from Toronto, Canada. She is a Google Certified Trainer, Innovator (#TOR16), Apple Distinguished Educator, and Toronto District Schoo Board Excellence Award Recipient.

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