My Takeaways from #TOR16 – Google Certified Innovator Academy

As most of you know I was lucky to be able to take part in the latest Google Certified Innovator Academy. After the 3 days that the 34 of us spent together there were quite a few discussions with my fellow #TOR16 Innovators around “how do we explain our experiences at the Innovator Academy to others when we get back to work?” and “It’s so hard to put it all into words…” So, I decided to try to tell the story of my experience through drawings, images and photos. My recent obsession with Sketchnoting (thanks to Sylvia Duckworth and Marie-Andrée Ouimet) inspired me to “draw” my takeaways from #TOR16 instead of writing them out. As a visual learner, I thought I’d do a blog post that contained limited writing and more images and drawings to help tell the story of the 3 amazing days I spent with like-minded Educators here in Toronto at the Google Offices! The sketchnote I drew is packed very full, similar to what my brain felt like after the Academy! GCI Academy was honestly the best professional development I’ve had in my 12 years as an Educator!
Here’s my attempt at a sketechnote:
(It was so hard to fit everything in!!)
Larissa's Sketchnote #TOR16I’ve started a Flickr Feed where I’m posting my sketchnotes. You can find it here.

Here are some photos from the GCI Academy:

I’m so honoured to be part of this group of awesome Educators who want to transform education. I made connections and friendships that will last well beyond the academy! Thank you to everyone who made this a reality for me, I can’t wait to see where these opportunities take all of us!

If you want written accounts of the Academy, check out these wonderful blog posts by some of my other #TOR16 tribe members:
Chris Webb
Isabelle Lavoie
Charity Helman
Mandi Tolen
Steven Morrison Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
Brian Costello

As they say, “an image is worth 1000 words!” Thanks for viewing 😉


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About Larissa Aradj

Larissa is a Technology and Design teacher at a Toronto Independent school. She is also a Technology Integration Specialist, Google Certified Educator, Trainer, Innovator #TOR16, GEG Ontario Leader/Mentor, Toronto District School Board Excellence Award Recipient, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2019).

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